January 16-19, 2020
Photo right to left: Markus Mauderer(Germany), Miguel Etchegoncelay, Franco Hänle
WASBE Presenters:
In Collaboration with the German WASBE Section we set up a booth.
Markus Mauderer gave a session “ABOUT WASBE.“
Miguel Etchegoncelay gave a presentation on South American wind band Literature.
Franco Hänle led a Reading Session using new literature from the publishers.
Six composers conducted their pieces.
The lab ensemble was compiled from the participants and consisted of approximately 60 musicians.
1,500 participants in attendance at the conference.
A lot of participants had never heard about our beautiful organization and we could introduce our projects to them personally. As well, it was good to have all scores of the last WCC at the Booth. It was a great opportunity to show them our pieces, available for the members for the special rate.
11 new members.