[#32] March 2, 2020
2017 | Wind Orchestra | Grade 6 | 20’ – 25’ | Contemporary

Màscares by Voro García (Spain) is our Composition of the Week.
Màscares (masks), was commissioned by Banda “La Primitiva” from Rafelbunyol and was featured as their free-choice pièce for the presentation at the “Certamen Internacional de Bandas de Valencia” in the first section, in 2017. You can hear the live recording capturing that moment following the link above. The band was conducted by Àngel Martínez Escutia.
Voro García, born in Sueca. Studied trombone, piano, singing, chorus and orchestra conducting musicology and composition, at the Conservatory of music of Valencia, with R. Ramos and M. Galduf, among others. He attended master classes of composition with Mauricio Sotelo. Doctor of Music from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.
Winner of prizes of composition he was First Prize of the Instituto Nacional de la Juventud (2004), Oïda (2001), Prize Luis Morondo (2007), Matilde Salvador (2007), best original music (short films) and K-Lidoscopi (2012), finalist of the Bell’Arte Europa (2005), Pablo Sorozábal (2001) and ALEA III International Composition Prize (2007).
He received commissions from several official and private institutions as well as from numerous individual performers such as: INAEM (Spanish Ministry of Culture), JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), CDMC, IVM (Valencian Music Institute), National Auditorium or FestClásica.
His works have been selected or commissioned by different competitions, festivals or sound platforms from around the world, his performers being: Solists Intercontemporain Ensemble, Proyecto Guerrero, Arditti Quartet, Quatuor Tana, Court-circuit, Grup Instrumental, Ensemble Residencias, Espai Sonor, Zahir Ensemble, NeoArs Ensemble, NEXEnsemble, Plural Ensemble, Ensemble Kuraia, Grupo Enigma, Sonido Extremo, Spanish Brass, Symphonic orchestra of Castilla and León, Orchestra of Valencia, JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), JOGV (young orchestra of Generalitat Valenciana) , Ensemble del Carnegie Mellon, Ensemble ALEA III, Trío Arbós, B3 Brouwer Trío, TDM Trío de Magia, Feedback, Alter Face, Amores grup de percussió, Municipal Winds orchestras of Barcelona, Bilbao or Palma de Mallorca, B. Ambrosini, A. Sukarlan, C. Dierstein, P. Carneiro, C. Dierstein, M. Weiss, M. Bernadette, S. Aparici, R. Capellino, X.Giner, A. Gomis…
Founder and creator of the Ensemble Espai Sonor in 2003. In his role as director has made the absolute premiere and / or in Spain of many works.
He has been composer-in-residence of the Group Instrumental de Valencia, in 2001-02, JONDE (Young National Orchestra of Spain), in 2005-06 and MNCARS (Auditorio 400 at the Reina Sofia National Art Centre Museum) in 2009, JOGV (young orchestra of Generalitat Valenciana) in 2009/10 and SBALZ Festival (2018). Artistic director of the Mostra Sonora in Sueca (2005-2017). He is currently a composition teacher at the Higher Conservatory of Music of Valencia and artistic director of the Ensems Festival.
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