Oct 4Suggested Repertoire for Dev Bands#19 Suggested Repertoire from Around the World for Developing Bands
Jul 5Suggested Repertoire for Dev Bands#17 Suggested Repertoire from Around the World for Developing Bands
Oct 31, 2022Composition of the WeekCONFLICTS AND CONFLUENCES, for Wind Orchestra by Henk Badings (The Netherlands, 1907– 1987)
Dec 27, 2021Composition of the WeekROTTERDAM 1945 Overture for Wind Orchestra by JOHAN DE MEIJ (The Netherlands, 1953)
Jul 5, 2021Composition of the WeekIM MEMORIAM LOUIS ANDRIESSEN (The Netherlands 1939 - 2021)DE VOLHARDING For Piano and Winds (1972)
Mar 1, 2021Composition of the WeekSYMPHONIETTA For Wind Instruments by WILLEM VAN OTTERLOO (The Netherlands, 1907 - 1978)
Mar 16, 2020Composition of the WeekVARIATIONS ON A PENTATONIC THEME for WIND ORCHESTRA by ROB GOORHUIS (The Netherlands,1948)