Suggested Repertoire from Around the World for Developing Bands
The Suggested Repertoire from Around the World for Developing Bands series is a new WASBE program of instructional materials to assist music directors in identifying exceptional works from around the world that are playable by developing musicians. Each of the selections in this series provide a myriad of musical elements that might be explored and developed within the rehearsal context, but the goal is to present music of artistic merit that aligns most directly to the composer’s unique voice. These are selections that stand out from works written largely for teaching purposes. Our installments will include four-five such works, each to be contributed by WASBE members from throughout the world. While this initial offering includes composers from the United States, there will be many exceptional and diverse works to follow in the coming months. In turn, some of the selections will be well-known while others will be quite unfamiliar to most – and there will be more than a few older compositions that we hope will be revisited, reacquainted, or discovered anew.
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