[#04] August 19, 2019

The Rovereto Wind Orchestra, conductor Andrea Loss, gave the World Premiere of “Heroes”, by Girolamo Deraco, during the 2019 WASBE Conference in Buñol.
Heroes is one movement of a five-movement suite about space composed for wind orchestra. It was inspired by those ‘heroes’ who, through their research, have in some way dedicated their life to exploring space by means of cosmology, astrophysics, literature, music, etc. The courage of those pioneers has helped to develop new possibilities for the lives of all human beings, reminding us that today, more than ever, we still need heroes to inspire us.
Composer Girolamo Deraco was also awarded second prize in “Category 2″ of the 2019 WASBE Composition Contest for his work, L’Orizzonte degli Eventi” (The Event Horizon).
The performance of “Heroes” performed by the Roverto Wind Orchestra, Andrea Loss, director, has been recorded by Mark Custom Recording Service, Mark J. Morette and Jurriaan Boerstoel, engineers.
This performance can be purchased at www.markcustom.com click the WASBE banner, and use catalog ID# 54982.